
Part & Accessories

The type of results you obtain depends greatly on your ability to use the various hydroponic tools and equipment.

Hydroponic Part & Accessories

You are a beginner in hydroponics, a hobby grower, an agribusiness owner, or a commercial grower. Hydroponic technology calls for a variety of instruments and meters that have various functions. These equipment and meters are necessary for hydroponic plant growth that is efficient and productive. The type of results you obtain depends greatly on your ability to use the various hydroponic tools and equipment.

TDS/EC metres measure the total amount of inorganic and organic materials dissolved in a liquid, in this case, water. To determine how acidic your nutrient solution is, use a pH metre. Plants require a relatively small pH range in their water/nutrient solution. The plants won’t be able to absorb the nutrients if the levels are too high or too low. On a scale of 0 (very acidic) to 14, pH is measured (highly basic). Timers are used for controlling the irrigation cycle of hydroponic systems. Sensor and controllers are used for sensing and controlling the parameters like EC, pH, DO, Temperature & Humidity.

If you are a beginner or hobby grower and looking for a DIY hydroponics system, basically you required the following parts, for NFT Hydroponic system, Iron Structure, NFT Grow Channel, Reservoir Tank, Water Pump, Net-cup, Support Media, & Timers, depends on the hydroponics system the part requirement is different. You are commercial grower and want to automate commercial farm, required Temperature & Humidity Sensors & Controllers, Timers and auto dosser.

Some of the hydroponic equipment and tools that you need include: TDS/EC Meter, pH Meter, Timers, Sensors & Controllers, Electric Contactors, Water Pump, Air Pump, Grow Bucket, NFT Grow Channel, Net cup, Grow Media, Structure, & Reservoir tank etc.

EC/TDS Meter

PH Meter

PH Meter

Water Pump inhydro

Water Air Pump

Temperature & Humidity

Digital Timers inhydro

Digital Timers

Electric Contactors

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